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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Music Monday #18: If I Can't Have You

Words can't describe how i feel towards this song. It's simply emotional and touching. I understood what Adam means in these words. As I am listening to his song, words just came out for you, my darling.

If I can't have you, darling, I'll go crazy. Because without your supports & love, I wouldn't be able to go through my life sanely.

First THREE Commentators

Monday, April 27, 2009

Dedicated to you...

The lyrics is just so right for me to you. I hope you like it.

Our love has changed,
It’s not the same,
And the only way to say it
Is say it .. it’s better.

I can’t concede,
This way I feel,
For all the time we spent, together,
Forever .. just gets better.

See what I’m trying to say is:
You make things .. better
And no matter what the day is,
With you here .. it’s better.

I’ll stand by you,
If you stand by me.
I think time that I, reveal it,
‘Coz I believe it
It’s better

See what I’m trying to say is:
You make things .. better
And no matter what the day is,
With you here .. it’s better

Ooh the more I .. talk .. to .. you
The more in love with
E .. vry .. thing .. you .. do

Doo doo doo doo doo doo

See what I’m trying to say is:
You make things .. better
And no matter what the day is,
With you here .. it’s better

Our love has changed
It’s not the same
And the only way to say it
Is say it .. it’s better

First Commentator

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Does Humor Play an Important Role?

While waiting in the car for M to buy his ramly burger this evening, i had this thought, "What makes a relationship lasting? How do we get to this stage?" Then I looked back at our 8 years together, and I realized that beside from the communications we had, we jokes alot daily. M & I are very childlike at heart.

My question is, "Does Humor Play an Important Role in Your Relationship?" Will a relationship last without It?
Before you answer me, let's take a look at the below quiz from Blogthings. I think it is quite true what it says about me in this. How about yours?

Your Love Is Represented By a Red Rose

You love passionately and fully, without any reservations.
And while romantic love comes easily for you, you also love many people platonically.
You are a true romantic, and you always can see the best in people.

What Rose Represents Your Love?

First Commentator

Monday, April 20, 2009

International Bloggers Community

I am following Monica to join the International Bloggers Community. It's a huge & fun community which no bloggers should be missed out! Come, peeps, and join us quick! kenyit

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.

First Commentator

Music Monday #17: Mad World

We heart Adam Lambert!!! It was love at first sound! When we first heard him singing, we knew he's the one. And do you guys know that my soap opera name has 'Lambert' in it? Yes, it's true! I took the Blogthings quiz from LJ's, and my soap opera name was Livia Bianca Lambert. What a lovely coincident, rite? love

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

Happy MM, peeps!

First Commentator

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our New Home

Since TGB was published around Sept last year, I've not been changing its look. As a Blog Makover Queen myself, how could I have left my LOVE blog unattended like that. It's already cruel to only publish a post or two per week here, and now I am not going to leave it un'touch', if you know what i meant! kenyit

First THREE Commentators

Monday, April 6, 2009

Music Monday #16: Don't Speak

Allison Iraheta is my next favorite contestant in American Idol Season 8. This LA native is only 16 years old and definitely is the youngest contestant in AI. Last week, she sang 'Don't Speak' which I thought was very well sang. She's got her rock style incorporated so cool in the song and I really love it, especially since 'Don't Speak' is my fave karaoke song. sengihnampakgigi

That's why, I was really surprised to find out that Allison was at the bottom three. Luckily, she's safe to perform again this week. Come 'on my international friends, root for Allison for me, k! senyumkenyit

Go Allison Go! The Double As' should be competing each others at the final round! I'm rooting for you guys, Allison Iraheta and Adam Lambert!!menari love

Lyrics | Don't Speak lyrics

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are ">STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

Happy MM, peeps! I'll keep you guys updated on this week AI, k! kenyit

First Commentator

Congratulations, Marzie! and thank you for being our FC!!! :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Our 8th Anniversary!

Yesterday saw us celebrating our 8th anniversary. It has been a wonderful 8 years together and both of us are blessed to have each others. My cousin always say to us, "You two are always so loving to each others. It is like both of you have just started dating yesterday." gelakguling malu It is definitely the greatest compliment for both of us as a couple. And she's right! Even tho' we've been together for 8 years, we don't feel bored with each others. Our love just kept growing stronger and stronger with each day passes by. love

Darling, your love has been nothing but caring, gentle, patient, generous, faithful, passionate, kind, understanding, respectful and thoughtful to me all these 8 years. Thank you for showering me with your endless love! love I could not have been gone through what i have without you. You are the joy of my life! And I thank God for every second I am with you! I love you, darling, now and always will! cium peluk
We had a great BBQ dinner at home last night. Cooking has always been fun for us. M did the bbqueing while i cooked the sauce and side dishes. I will post about the food at my other blog, AGP, where I can post the recipe too. Here, I would like to end this post with the recent photo we took together.

This was taken at Bukit Genting, Penang on 26th Dec last year.
Enjoy and may you guys have a wonderful week ahead! cium

First Two Commentators

Congratulations, LJ & Marzie! :)

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