Happy Anniversary, Marzie & B! May the both of you continue to love and respect each others like both of you had now! And may your love continue to grow with each kiss on the lips!Enjoy your song! Hugs & Love from me & M!
People say I'm the life of the party
Because I tell a joke or two
Although I might be laughing loud and hearty
Deep inside I'm blue
So take a good look at my face
You'll see my smile looks out of place
If you look closer, it's easy to trace
The tracks of my tears..
Outside I'm masquerading
Inside my hope is fading
Just a clown
Since you put me down
My smile is my make up
I wear since my break up with you..
So take a good look at my face
You'll see my smile looks out of place
If you look closer, it's easy to trace
The tracks of my tears..
I need you, I need you
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With lots of love,

First Commentator

Congratulations, Marzie! and thank you for being our FC!!! :)