Darling, your love has been nothing but caring, gentle, patient, generous, faithful, passionate, kind, understanding, respectful and thoughtful to me all these 8 years. Thank you for showering me with your endless love!We had a great BBQ dinner at home last night. Cooking has always been fun for us. M did the bbqueing while i cooked the sauce and side dishes. I will post about the food at my other blog, AGP, where I can post the recipe too. Here, I would like to end this post with the recent photo we took together.I could not have been gone through what i have without you. You are the joy of my life! And I thank God for every second I am with you! I love you, darling, now and always will!
Enjoy and may you guys have a wonderful week ahead!

First Two Commentators

Congratulations, LJ & Marzie! :)