1. Where is your cellphone - on the desk.
2. Your hair - long.
3. Your father - in heaven.

4. Your favorite thing - my wardrobe.
5. Your dream last night - can't recall.

6. Your favorite drink - cappucino!
7. Your dream goal - to be debts-free.

8. The room you are in - office room.
9. Your fear - losing my loved ones.
10. Where do you want to be in 6 years - home! (best if i can be a full-time blogger)
11. Muffins - banana.
12. One of your wish list items - a stylish refridgerator like the one i mentioned in my birthday wish meme.

13. Where you grew up - OUG.
14. The last thing you did - drink coffee.

15. What are you wearing - office wear: shirt + skirt.
16. Your TV - Sony Trinitron [in our bedroom] same wt twinks!

17. Your pets- Ariel & Brownie!

18. Your computer- DELL.
19. Your life - is like a bitterguord. (bitter at first but yummy later on)
20. Your mood - blessed!
21. Missing someone - my dad.

22. Your car - Gen 2 limited edition.
23. Favorite store - bakeries shop!
24. Your summer - means vacation.
25. Your favorite color - pink, red, W&B.
26. When was the last time you laughed - this morning, wt my niece, Chloe.

27. When was the last time you cried - like seriously cried? Sept 2006. My dad just passed away then, i've nvr cried so hard before. It hurts me deeply.

28. Last person who emailed you - a client.
29. Your favorite food - soto at this moment.

30. A place you would rather be right now - Home.
Phew!! That was long! But i had fun doing this. Thank, twinks!

Now, i would like to tag: emila, marzie, janice, LJ, Debbs (i know you've just finished a 100 Qs tag, but bear with me, k. I just wanted to know more about u!

Ok, go girls, and do your homework quick! But remember to enjoy your friday, k! Happy Friday!

First Commentator

Congratulations, Emila! and thank you for all your comments love!!! :)